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so you need a PROJECT MANAGER

from start to finish, your pm can handle it all

You may find yourself wondering, “What even is a project manager - and why do I even need one?” And while I know there are no such things and magical fairies that can come in and take your newest idea from dream to reality - a Project Manager is about as close as you will get.

Simply put, you can define a Project Manager as a professional who organizer, planner, and get-it-done-er. They are the person who takes a goal, writes the roadmap, finishes the trip, and tells you how it went. A PM can lead a team, define a goal, and see a project through to it’s fulfillment. Whether its a marketing campaign or launching a new product, the Project Manager determines the success of a project.



Provide Point of Contact

A project manager is the point person, delivering project information and updates to the team, which decreases confusion and increases accuracy.

Increase Efficiency

The project manager works with your team to make sure what activities must happen and in what order so projects are completed with speed and accuracy.

Control Scope

Project scope details the work and activities required to deliver the completed product or service. The last thing we want is your straightforward product launch to turn into a product launch, rebranding, and a secondary product. A project manager controls this “scope creep” to keep all eyes on the prize.

Manage Costs

Everything can thrive on a budget. Even your Project Manager. Not only can they thrive, but they can manage expenses better than the rest.

Schedule the Work

The project manager plays an important role in not only planning the work - but making sure that it actually gets done. No more “I’ll get to it tomorrow".

Close the Project

After your project is complete - the work is not quite over. Your Project Manager will review so that you can see patterns, trends, and greater opportunities for your next big idea!

Are you sure I need one? I Normally do this all myself…

A project is not your entire business. It is a short-term job to create a new product or service, it’s different from your regular day-to-day gig. You don’t need some crazy thirteen-step method to manage a project, but you will benefit from a dedicated project manager! When projects are managed properly, the likelihood that your project will be successful increases.

sign me up

Whatever it is, I am here to help - tell me about your project below.


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