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so you need a CONTENT CREATOR

no, i’m not talking about a mega influencer

If you are anything like me, you might associate the words “Content Creator” with one of those family vloggers over on YouTube. But I promise you, that is not what we are talking about here. So what am I referencing? Well, to get right into it - it’s just what it says. A content creator creates content - for any medium or social channel that you need!


So what… they are recording tik tok dances?

While Tik Tok dancing is certainly an option, if that’s not relevant to your brand - then they are probably not doing that. For businesses, content creation can mean crafting newsletters, emails, digital marketing materials, brochures, social media posts, articles, and more.

To fully understand what a content creator is and does, it’s important to understand what “content” is.

In any industry, content is defined as all of the information and experiences used to express value to a consumer.

Basically what I’m saying is, content is the stuff your people get value from.

There’s a world of possibilities, and here are a few:

  • Articles

  • Artwork

  • Audio

  • Blog posts

  • Brochures

  • E-books

  • Email

  • Charts

  • Films

  • Graphs

  • Graphics

  • Images/photos

  • Infographics

  • News

  • Product copy

  • Social media content

  • Videos

I never knew there was that much… content

You don’t have to utilize every single type of content, but a content creator is here for what you do use and brings some pretty great ideas to your business to add value to all of your communication channels. Everywhere you look, there’s content created by someone who probably got paid to create it. That copy on the back of your cereal box, the junk mail you tossed unopened, the slogan on your T-shirt, the morning newsfeed snippets, the video you watched on Instagram, the text you’re reading right now? It’s all content. And if that is a little overwhelming to think about - then get a content creator to take care of it all!

sign me up

Whatever it is, I am here to help - tell me about your project below.


 CONNECT with ME in REAL LIFE (but, like, online!) 

Follow me on Instagram and shoot me a message to say hey!